Father’s Day 2019

img_2402Newly married, blissful, excited for a new life. This was all we had on our minds when we said “I do”. Never had we imagined the challenges that life would throw at us and the amount of stepping up we’d have to do. But we stepped up. And then some. And continued to step up. Because when you are a parent, not stepping up isn’t an option.

Is he the perfect father? No! Just as I’m not the perfect mother. Is one of us the better parent? The more present parent? The more knowledgeable parent? Well, there’s always one parent who’s winging it better than the other. But that’s the key word “winging”. Winging is what most of parenting is. And after a while your winging becomes more focused and more directed. That’s when you start to see a future for your kids.

Parenthood is usually not a choice. In the world of broken condoms, failed contraception, missed morning-afters and societal pressure to have a child, parenthood is usually not a choice.

But continuing parenthood is a choice. Being the best, most awesome parent is a choice. Being there for our kids is a choice. Guiding our kids with the best of our wisdom is a choice. Celebrating Father’s Day with our kids every year is a choice.

So here’s to Adnan, my coparent, my partner in crime, my toughest critic, the person who validates my parenting all the time, the guy who started as my mentee 😂in the journey of parenthood and quickly became independent and ferocious in his advocacy of our kids. Isn’t that inspirational? #sensoryprocessingdisorder #autismtravelhacks #autismtherapiesathome #autismempowerment #biomedicalautism

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